07 Aug 2014

What is a ‘garden’ weed?……

What is a weed? To the druggie victim "weed" is something that knocks one out of reality in order to act stupid. This is a landscape garden art website. Hemp is weedy, but lots of plants are weedy but in no way a weed. So, what is a weed? Lawn grasses are weedy. We want them to be weedy when growing in their place for the weedier they are, the thicker mat they will be....

13 Aug 2013

What is Weed to You?

In our modern America such a question might have been asked in a court room, school room, a family kitchen, office room, or laboratory. I, thank God, arrived at a different generation with far different thoughts, beliefs and values. I was very lucky. "Weed" when I was young was more like an order. "Time for you to go out and 'weed' the garden", Mother used in verb form. The word in noun form referred to...

19 Jun 2013

The Special Spring Landscape Garden, Year 2013

The landscape garden, 2013, has been the best ever this Spring......despite its short supply of dry and warm weather. But that's the point.... Remember that the Twin Cities is at the western edge of America's watering zones with the vast prairies beginning just to our out of town Twin City West. The prairies are the prairies because of their lack of moisture....end of story. The wetter East simply spread westward for Spring, 2013....along with some...

21 Mar 2013

When to Cut Back “Used” Perennial Foliage to Embellish the Winter Landscape

Preparing for your ideal winter landscpe garden is begun in late fall before the first snowfall. This is particularly true of your landscape garden is more the feature of your grounds than lawn. Lawn is normally flat grounds. Although it certainly supplies negative space in winter as in summer, when it occupies large sweeps of grounds, lawn doesn't bear captivating shadows in winter because it IS flat. My 2/3rds of an acre of grounds, nearly...

11 Oct 2012

The Beauty of October, “the Fall” of our Landscape Gardens

Americans are overwhelmingly indoor people these days. Their knowledge of Nature outside their windows seems to have disappeared from their minds and therefore language and action. The detachment from our outdoor world endangers who we are as a people, as a culture, and our abilities to survive catastrophe and our abilities to recognize beauty from the ugly. All of the billions of people living on our Earth could become housed within the state of Texas...

26 Sep 2012

Harmony in the Landscape Garden with some Autumn Beauties

As we enter the last month of the non-winter garden season here in our Northland, I regularly stroll my garden paths to evaluate the various arrangement of plants regarding their health, appearance, and harmony with their neighbors. Do they fill their space as beautifully among their neighboring notes for the eyes, as Beethoven adagios do for the ears? What 'note' is each plant playing. What music for your 'eyes' are you composing, and why. Remember...

30 Jun 2012

What is in bloom now at my Place?

Mine is a landscape garden grounds.   Most rooms differ one from another.  Most of the structure is managed by conifers.....after all, the winter landscape  in Minnesota is as long as  Spring, Summer, and Autum put  together.......six months if you really want to know.; Color is very important and is highly valued in my grounds.   But it is only equal to texture and secondary to form, both shape and size. I control color in a number of...

17 Jun 2012

Discovering the Landscape Garden

I began my drive to create a landscape garden 38 years ago this past Spring.   I had just been appointed to become Executive Secretary of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society and was winding up my graduate "studies" program and the University of Minnesota Horticultural Department. But the useable part of my education never came from those post graduate studies.   The two year effort was like being in the military service paying duty as a part...

21 May 2012

Developing a Landscape Garden….

That age old saying, "One is closest to God in the garden" does not refer to a vegetable garden or flower bed.....or a home orchard.   It refers to a landscape garden. What is a landscape garden, then?.......to be basic, it is a piece of land that is landscaped.    It is a piece of land to be entered as one enters a cathedral or a cemetery park, classically to  inspire the visitor  by the most revered...

19 May 2012

Landscape Gardens’ Open House and Plant Sale May 25-27!

THURSDAY MAY 24 at 11am to 5pm       FRIDAY MAY 25 at 11am to 5pm at Sonny Schneiderhan's garden  1219 8th St SE Minneapolis, MN (just 4 blks north of Dinkytown U of M Campus  SATURDAY MAY 26 at 11am to 5pm at Glenn Ray's garden 14624 Woodhill Terrace Minnetonka, MN (just west of intersection of 494 and Hwy 7) NEIGHBORLY PRICES!!!    Some of the plants available have been listed in a previous blog article.