Since our monsoons of early summer, there has been a drought in the general Twin City area. For well established plants there generally shouldn’t be much concern….as yet. For newly planted woody plants and perennials regular watering……that is reliable water availability is essential for survival.
A prolonged period of drought has about the same effect on woody plants regardless of soil type. Plants will wilt and die sooner in sandy soils. They also recover sooner, assuming there is enough life stored in the plants for recover.
Water newer plants placed in sandy soils daily for ten or fifteen minutes during extended dry periods. Don’t include a few drops of rain in the middle of the night or afternoon. They hardly matter.
For heavy clay soils water regularly….to prevent drought….once every three or four days for twenty minutes……using a gentle sprinkle. If the soil had already caked and cracked, apply a light sprinkle for ten minutes twice a day until the soil again become maleable.
More important….don’t allow your landscaped grounds to enter the world of water deprivation. Not too many people I know enjoy standing at each plant for ten minutes hand watering their flocks. Especially if the plants number in the hundreds…..or thousands.
Nothing made my home grounds more attractive, alive and lush than when my irrigation system was intstalled. (Note….I lucked out regarding the soil which anchors and nourishes this lushness. It is the best loam ever……I bought my home property totally unaware of this blessing, 37 years ago.)
If you have not been watering your landscape grounds regularly…..Start NOW.
If you want to be relieved of the ‘pain’ of watering or the angst of remembering when to water, give us a call at 952-933-5777. We have the best landscape garden installer and fixer available. He, too, is an artist. I wouldn’t have any other grounds irrigation ‘guru’ touch my own landscape garden…..but I’ll share him with you. Give us a call. An irrigation system for your home grounds isn’t very expensive……especially if you cannot keep your home grounds plants alive.
MOST PLANT DEATHS IN THE HOME GROUNDS ARE CAUSE BY DROUGHT…….that is the lack of reliable watering.
Heat of temperature does make a difference…..As you’d expect, high temperatures increase stress on all garden plants…..including on you, their caretaker.